Untuk bumi yang lestari

Buku| April-Juni 2022

Oil Palm Green Neocolonialism

Jocelyn Zuckerman describes the palm oil business as “green neocolonialism”. Its history is bloody.

Pembukaan hutan untuk perkebunan kelapa sawit di Kabupaten Fakfak, Papua Barat (Foto: Iwan Kurniawan/Yayasan EcoNusa)

FROM the first page, the book Planet Palm hits with the description of the song "Rape Me" sung by Kurt Cobain with Nirvana band which resonates with Jocelyn C. Zuckerman as he drives through the remote areas of Southeast Liberia. Liberia, this West African country, is the ancestral land of oil palm (Elaeis guinensis).

Zuckerman writes about palm oil with three aspects: its history....

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Member of International Forestry Students' Association (IFSA) Faculty of Forestry and Environment IPB University



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